Computer Technology & New Google: computer virus

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

computer virus

What is a computer virus?

computer viruses are small software programs that are designed to spread from one computer to another computer and to interfere with computer operation. or in other words, computer virus are program  that are deliberately designed to invade your computer, to interfere with its operation, and to copy, corrupt, or delete your data. this program are called viruses because they are designed to spread to another computer, but in most case, they require human actions-like clicking on an e-mail attachment -to spread.
                 viruses can be designed as attachment of funny images, greeting cards, or audio and video clips or computer games. many viruses are spread when people unwittingly send them as e-mail attachment to friends and colleagues. viruses also spread through downloads on the internet. they can be hidden in illicit software or other files or programs you might downloads.

How does a computer get a virus? 
               some viruses are deliberately made to destruct the data stored in your computer while some are made to stop piracy. their vital nature is that they are mobile. virus spread from computer to computer through various communication means like e-,ail attachment, internet, through un-protective data transfer  device e.t.c.
The followings means can sprad the virus:-
  • just as a human virus is passed from person to person, a computer virus is passed from computer to computer.
  • a virus can be attached to any files that you copy to your computer.
  •  if you downloads files from friends on floppy disk,pen drive, you are very risk to viruses.
  • many viruses are spred through e-mail.
  • generally, you cannot get a virus from simply reading e-mail.

certain types of today's viruses, like klez, are different. they are very dangerous because you do not even have to open an e-mail attachment to release the virus. just opening the e-mail itself can release the dangerous bug.
under normal circumstances, a virus becomes active when you execute a program that contains the virus. for instance, if you download a program from the internet and is is infected with a virus, the virus will attack your computer when you activate the program.

Damages that computer cause

a computer virus can be extensive damage. the damages that a virus cause depends upon the nature or types of virus that the system infected with. there are several types of viruses and each of them have a different purpose. but there is practically no limit to what a virus can do.
              Al through a few destructive computing activites are listed below:-
  1. virus can destroy important information.
  2. virus may slow down the speed of the computer.
  3. it may change the files likes .exe, .com,.sys etc
  4. it can change command and redefine the keys.
  5. it can replicate on its own, thereby occpying more storage space.
  6. certain program may not execute because of the infection of the virus in executable program files.
  7. computer may not a boot as a result of virus infection in operating system.
  8. certain "menus" may be hidden,due to which the user may not able to work with the application.
  9. vulgar picture or message may be display at unwanted time.
  10. some virus give musical sound at different point of time.

How to help prevent computer virus?

nothing can guarantee the security of computer 100%! you can continue to improve your computer security and decrease the possibility of infection by using a firewall , keeping you system up to date , subscription, and following a few best practices:-

  1. if you are using the internet, use an internet firewall and keep it turned on. a firewall help protect your computer by preventing unauthorized user from gaining access to it through a network or the internet. windows firewall is built into windows XP and turned on automatically helping to protect your computer against viruses and other security threats.
  1. keep your operating system up to date, perferably by using automatic update feature in windows.
  1. never open an e-mail attachment from someone your don't know.
  1. avoid opening an e-mail attachment fro someone you know, unless you know exactly what the attachment is. the sender may be unaware that if contains a virus.
  1. install and maintains anti-virus software you must update your anti-virus program on a regular basic. the company that manufactured your antivirus software will provide xonstant update as they find new viruses update at least once a week.
  1. regularly scan your computer with antivirus software.
  1. before using other's disk oe pen drivers,  first ensure that it does't contain any virus by scanning it with an anti-virus program. If it can contains any virus,  the anti-virus program will removed it. 
  1. Avoid downloading image,  aimlessly,  from the internet, for they may conatin virus. 
  1. Always make duplicate copies of your important data or files in CDs or pen driver, so that is case if your original filea ( hard disk) is currupted with a virus, you can make use of your duplicate copy. 
  1. Instell and maintain anti spyware software,  such as windows defender. 

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