Computer Technology & New Google: Extension of Knowledge

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Extension of Knowledge

Archimedes ( 287 B.C-212 B.C)


       Archimedes was born in Italy in 287 B.C. He was the greatest inventor of ancient Greece. He spent his life studying geometry and using his ideas to develop new types of machines.  He explained why some bodies float and some sink in water.
                   He invented a machines that lifts water out of rivers for irrigating the land. It is still used along the river Nile today.  He was also the first person to work out how levers and pulleys worked.  He was killed by a Roman soldier while he was solving a mathematical problem . 


Galileo Galileo ( 1564-1642

               Galileo Galileo was born in Italy in 1564. He was a famous astronomer of that time. He invented the telescope. He, with the help of his self made telescope observed the mountains and valleys,  the moon, sunspots,  stars of the milky way galaxy,  satellites of Jupiter and Saturn for the first time.
           He found that bodies differing in weight took the same time to fall down from the same height.

Kelvin (1824-1907)

         Kelvin was a British scientist. He was born in Be Belfast in 1824. He introduced the absolute scale of temperature call Kelvin scale. He worked in the field of heat and thermodynamics.  He died in 1907

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