Computer Technology & New Google: Contemporary technology

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Contemporary technology

                       Contemporary technology

         This post covers the contents of  new and emerging technologies in the world. Its gives an overview of the most important terms related to information technology. We hope this post will be helpful to the computer user to understand basic idea of the information related terms. The words contemporary indicates modern or up to date technology available in the world. There are large sets of terms related to contemporary technology. But some of the terms broadly used and emerging trends of technology in Nepalese context are as follows:


      The full form of the term is electronic business. As its name suggests business activities takes place by means of computers connected through a network. Electronic business can occur between a user and vendor through an online information services, the internet or other electronic forms. The main component of transaction is just electronic data interchange. This process user a set of standards for controlling the transfer of business documents such as purchase order and invoices orders.

  e-Business many be defined as the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of all the activities of business. Commerce constitutes the exchange of products and services between businesses, groups and individuals. This process is a one of the essential activities of any business. In practice, e-Business is more then just e-commerce. While e-Business refers to more strategic focus with an emphasis on the functions of electronic capabilities. e-Commerce is a subset of an overall e-Business strategy. e-Commerce seeks to add revenues flow using the wold wide web or the Internet to build and enhance relationships with clients and partners to improve efficiency. There are different types of e-Business. Some of them are as follows:
    1)Business-To-Business (B2B)  
    2) Business-To-Consumer(B2C)   
    3) Business-To-Employee(B2E)
    4) Business-To-Government (B2G)
    6) Government-To-Government(G2G)
    7) Government-To-Citizen(G2C)
    8) Consumer-To-Consumer(C2C)
    9) Consumer-To-Business (C2B)

Application of e-Business:
  1. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
  2. Voice mail
  3. Web conferencing
  4. Internet shop
  5. Online marketing
  6. Electronic procurement


    If the teaching and learning process is conducted by electronically is called e-learning. It supports all forms of electronically supported materials. Information and communication Technology serve as specific media to implement in the field of teaching and learning process.
          e-Learning is essentially the computer and network enable transfer of skill and knowledge throughout the world. e-learning reefers to using electronic application and processes to learn. e-learning application and process include web-based learning, computer-based learning , virtual class room and digital collaboration. The content of e-learning is delivered via the internet, extra net, audio/video material, satellite TV And CD/DVD ROM.
There are different types of e-learning, some of them are as follows:
1. Computer based training(CBT)
2. Internet based training (IBT)
3. Web based training (WBT)
4. Distance learning
5. Online universities
6. K-12 learning

Advantage of e-learning:
1. It improves performance by accessing different location.
2. It increase access by joining class at your free time.
3. It is convenience and flexible to learners.
4. Its cost is less than regular mode universities.
5. It reduces overall training time.
6. Learning forms all around the world can join on the same course.


    e-Government is the user of information and communication technologies to transform the traditional government by making its accessible, transparent, effective and accountable to the general people. e-Governance is a network of organization to include government, nonprofit and private-sector bodies to transform all the services in the form of electronically. In e-governance there are no distinct boundaries to involvement and deed of jobs by the government.
              Political, social, economic and technological factors of the nation determine  e- government . it establishes a relationship between government and citizens. e-Governance provides greater access to government  information and services by making the most of the government service online. This will promotes citizens to participate by interacting  more friendly with government. e-Governance will also increase government accountability by making its operations transparent which also reduces the opportunities for corruption. e-Goernence is the process of transforming government form manual system to electronic digital system. e- Government is not only used in developed countries but also successfully implementing in the developing countries like Nepal, India, Bangladesh etc . It is one stop portal such as, where citizens have access variety of information and services.

Advantages of e-Governance
1. It is easy to access data and information.
2. It become one portal for delivering government services.
3. It broadly handle Government To Government (G2G), Government To Business(G2B), and                 Government To Citizen (G2C) data and information service.
4. The government services will be made available to the citizens in a convenient, efficient and               transparent manner.
5. There will be no territory boundaries , not even bounded by geographical region.

Virtual Reality
              Virtual reality is an artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the user in such way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real environment. On a computer, virtual reality's primarily experienced through two of the five senses: sight and sound.
The simplest form of virtual reality is a 3‐D image that can be explored interactively at a personal
computer, usually by manipulating keys or the mouse so that the content of the image moves in some
direction or zooms in or out. More sophisticated efforts involve such approaches as wrap‐around display
screens, actual rooms augmented with wearable computers, and hap tics devices that let you feel the
display images.

Virtual reality can be divided into:
             The simulation of a real environment for training and education.The development of an imagined environment for a game or interactive story.Popular products for creating virtual reality effects on personal computers include Bryce, Extreme 3D,Ray Dream Studio, true Space, 3D Studio MAX, MAYA, Cinema and Visual Reality. The Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) allows the creator to specify images and the rules for their display and interaction using textual language statements.Robotics
Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, structural
disposition, manufacture and application of robots. Robotics is related to the sciences of electronics,engineering, mechanics, and software.  


       It is a branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture, and operation of
robot s. This field overlaps with electronics, computer science, artificial intelligence , mechanics,
nanotechnology , and bio engineering. Science‐fiction author Isaac Asimov is often given credit for being the first person to use the term
robotics in a short story composed in the 1940. In the story, Asimov suggested three principles to guide
the behavior of robots and smart machines. Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics, as they are called, have
survived to the present:

1. Robots must never harm human beings.
2. Robots must follow instructions from humans without violating/harm human beings.
3. Robots must protect themselves without violating the other rules.

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